
Acquire: Direction

July 18, 2019
5 min read

There is a concept in the theatre of cheating outward. Of making certain, sometimes subtly, that your mouth and the direction of your voice is pointed towards the audience.

Sound waves must travel in a medium, in this case, air. Since air is a linear medium, sound waves are linear too.

Sound waves take two forms, they can be longitudinal or transverse. Longitudinal waves travel parallel to the source of the wave and transverse waves travel at 90-degree angles from the source of the wave. There is, of course, much more to know here but this is sufficient understanding for directing your voice into space.

Your voice can produce a linear wave in direct lines from the primary source, your mouth. It can also produce an oscillation that produces 90-degree angles from the primary source. Why is this important? Because it means the sound waves follow concrete patterns that can be directed.

Try this: make sure your mouth is truly pointed at your headset receiver or speakerphone. Make an effort to focus your sound towards specific people. And, in larger spaces, aim for the back walls. The beginning of projection is Direction.

GROW Voice, is a Boston-based business.  Founder and CEO, Gina Razón has taught voice and speech for over sixteen years to individuals, organizations and in academic settings.   She is sought after as a teacher of voice and speech, singing, and public presentation.  Gina has a BM and MM in Voice Performance, she is a practitioner of Fitzmaurice Voicework and a certified teacher of Somatic Voicework. She has served as the voice coach for TEDxCambridge and speaks at National and local events on all things voice and speech.  Gina is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, The Voice Foundation, the Voice and Speech Trainers Association and the National Speakers Association. More information at

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