
Acquire: Listen

October 9, 2019
5 min read

We all know that listening skills are important. Some of us believe ourselves to BE good listeners. Still, you can find yourself wondering about details that were definitely discussed in a meeting or on the speaking side, you notice a person suddenly drift off somewhere while you are speaking. They probably think they are listening to you. Perception around a conversation is interesting because so often we get it wrong.  

Being a good listener is a worthy pursuit as is helping people hear you better. So here are some tips but they are not a panacea. Listening involves engagement and simply cannot be put on aut-pilot.

  • Don't formulate a response while someone is speaking.
  • Think about what they are saying and interact with it. 
  • Don't interrupt (unless the building is on fire).
  • Become interested in what they are saying.

On the other side of things, if you want to be sure people are listening.  

  • Be truly interested and engaged in what you are saying.
  • Skip the monologue - interact with people and ask questions.
  • Use a lot of air.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Take extra time on articulation, pacing, and language choice.
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