Acquire: Who Do You Sound Like?

What does the sound of your voice say about you?
Does it sound like a parents, or a siblings? Is it perceived as gendered, perhaps even misgendered? Does it seem to belong to you?
These may be thoughts you've had before, likely in response to others comments. Also, likely you don't really know how you sound to others.
As we spend some time this week considering what is, rather than what we think should be, it is time to record your voice and really listen to it.
The offer today is to take at least 30 minutes to sit comfortably, get a favorite beverage, and grab your phone. If you don't already have one, download a voice recording app before you get started. Then, press record, and tell a story. It can be a favorite story from your life or the story of a favorite book or movie. It can even be someone else's story. If the exercise feels a little strange you can imagine you are recording the story for a specific person. Don't correct "mistakes" and don't try to be a sound producer -- just speak.
Put the recording away and schedule a reminder to sit down tomorrow and listen to it. Tomorrow's blog will be all about how to do an assessment of your recordings.