Office Space

Office Space: First Quarter Stretch

February 15, 2021
5 min read

It is grey and cold in Boston this mid-February morning. I am interested in the types of statements clients make at different points in the year.

Mid-February is often a time of frustration and for some isolation. The days are getting lighter but for some the resolutions and intentions of the New Year have dimmed. At work, many seem in a holding patterns with projects waiting or stuck somewhere.

This can all be a wonderful thing.

We don't regularly pause to see what is working well in our lives. So why not now?

The invitation today is to take a stretch. Literally stand up and stretch yourself out as wide as you can. Breathe in through your nose and out audibly through your mouth 3-5 times without haste. Then, take a moment to list 3-5 positive things that exist for you right now. Say them out loud.

Here are mine from this morning:

  • Coffee
  • A healthy number of leads
  • An interesting question about the future of the business that requires some research
  • Good news about women I admire and their successes
  • A lunch date with my kid

What is good for and with you?

focusing on the positive
resetting your energy
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