Perform: Adaptation

This week several speaker friends of mine had the most creative performance challenges I have seen in a bit. From an audience placed so far from the stage, it was comical, to a room partially divided by a wall (and these were not the worst in the bunch).
It got me thinking not about the challenges but about the work itself. Not one of these speakers felt defeated by the circumstance they were in. All of them, not only sought but, found solutions that allowed their message to connect with the people in the room.
Let's bring this into workplace. Sometimes things pop up that can derail our meetings, presentations, and interactions. The tech can crash, the information you were counting can fail to appear, or someone, you, could be sick. Any of these can inhibit your ability to convey what you need to convey if you let them.
The truth is that if you and your knowledge are available, and you keep an open mind, you can find the solution that will allow you to connect. In the process, I promise you, you will learn more about yourself and your capability than on any "perfect" day.