
Perform: Rock the Cradle

February 21, 2020
5 min read

What is it with hip tightness?

It affects mobility and overall health yet, it is accepted as normal. So today I want you to get connected to opening your hips. If only so that your Psoas can help you breathe better again.


  1. Swing: Hold onto a wall or back of a chair with one hand. lace the other hand on the crease that forms between your pelvis and leg when you bend forward. Slowly swing your leg forward, brush your foot on the ground until it no longer reaches (do not swing too high, 1-2 inches off the ground is plenty). Then return brushing your foot back to the start and beyond towards your back. Do not arch your back. Follow the back extension only as far as comfortable. Swing the leg forward again. Repeat 3-5 times and then switch sides. Observe what you sense with your hand and how it feels as you move through the shape.
  2. Drawing Infinity: Hold onto a wall or back of a chair with one hand. Place the other hand on the crease that forms between your pelvis and leg when you bend forward. With your hand at the bend very slowly trace the infinity symbol on the floor with your toes (maintain contact with the floor). Start small and get bigger -- do not speed up. Your leg will complete part of the shape turned inward and the other outward. Observe what you sense with your hand and how it feels as you move through the shape. Switch sides repeat the same number of movements. Advanced technique: Maintain this movement and let your foot leave the ground, tracing the shape in the air.

Give these two exercises a try and let me know how it goes.

hip opening
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