
Perform: Shining The Light

December 13, 2019
5 min read

My major resolution this year has been to show up more. It is a process. One that is often counter my introverted tendencies.

Case in point, this morning. I had reserved a spot for Creative Mornings Boston which meant that I had to dress and be out in public first thing this morning. It was a classic introvert night owl meets morning networking situation.

Still, I went -- reluctantly. As I entered a friend immediately greeted me with a hug. He then proceeded to introduce me with such praise and beauty that I wished I was meeting me. I felt like a rock star. I also immediately copied the technique. I spent the next hour shining the light on others, including that dear friend, and using my voice to bridge some divides.

It is an incredible gift to be able to use the voice to empower ourselves and meet our goals. The ability to use it to lift up others is priceless.

Enjoy the weekend.

lifting up others
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