
Acquire: Knowledge

February 5, 2020
5 min read

I was asked yesterday why some attorneys don't want to know whether a client is guilty or not. I'm not sure this is a universal fact outside of TV dramas, but I do see the point in it. It is very difficult to articulate clearly an argument defending what you know to be false. Not impossible, but really hard for all but the sociopaths among us.

In fact, much of our vocal authority comes from what we know or don't know.

So today I want you to consider engaging with knowledge more deeply. To not let a lack of preparation, or understanding to limit your ability to craft thoughts into spoken words. Perhaps also, to let your knowledge empower you to shift positions or change your mind.

I'd love for you to be curious, open, and skeptical. In essence, I'd love for you to approach speaking on any topic with a beginner's mind. That unique viewpoint that assumes there is more to know and that wants to know those things.

If you ponder a question -- a really juicy question -- your mind will focus, your saliva glands may activate, and you will prime your breathing as if for action. This active state is poise and it is a lovely way to let your voice enter a room. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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