Acquire: Passion

I attended a panel discussion last night where all of speakers were dynamic and knowledgable . Sadly, only one of them was consistently a good speaker. He didn't necessarily have the best vocal tone, or the most dynamic range. What he had a clear idea of why he was there and what he wanted to achieve. How do I know? He told us.
I think it interesting that often we equate great presentation with personality or select skills, but those alone can't connect. There is a singular clarity that comes from a passionate direction towards a goal.
I don't mean passion in the sense of just loving what you are discussing, although that certainly helps. I mean passion in the sense of needing to make your point and understanding what you need to say to get there.
This is what I would like you to consider today. What do you need to happen in this meeting, presentation, or conversation? What is the clearest path to get to what you need? And, how can you pour enough energy into that pursuit that it becomes irresistible to the listener.