Notes from Gina>Variance

Disrupt: The Way We Were

August 18, 2020
5 min read

People can get a little nostalgic.

Sometimes about great moments of the past which is understandable. But more often, we get nostalgic about things we are misremembering or even things that are just didn't happen. No matter where that rosy reflection comes from it can't beat a simple truth that time, and air, move forward.

It does no good to reflect on how good it used to be (or should have been) when you are communicating in the present. If you find yourself in this love affair with the rearview, you might need a shake-up -- to ground yourself in the present moment. Focused breathing is great for this.

So the offer today is to take a walk. Focus on inhaling and exhaling in pace with your movement, and look around you. Don't listen to a podcast or music, don't call anyone, don't bring a friend. Just take a walk with yourself, your breath, and your senses. You are here.

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