Office Space

Office Space: No Time Like The Present

March 8, 2021
5 min read

You know that thing you have wanted to tell someone? That conversation you are avoiding for whatever reason? Why not have it today?

There are reasons to avoid conversations, of course. It might be that what you want to say would be destructive or hurtful in ways you can avoid. It might be that you don't believe that what you want to say would change anything.

I'm not in your life so I can't speak to your specifics. But, here is what I know. When you are holding back your words -- your voice -- you are fighting yourself. This is a nasty business involving muscular and chemical warfare within your body in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ways.

So the invitation is this: Those words you are biting back? Speak them out loud and let it all out. Whether you do that in your car or the privacy of your bathroom instead of in front of an audience is completely up to you. You may feel self-conscious, but what exactly is wrong with feeling your concious in the experience of your life anyway?

Exhalations are always meant to flow outward. Say the words.

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