
Perform: Imagine

November 22, 2019
5 min read

We rehearse a lot. By which I mean that many of us are running scripts of our doubts, fears, and failing. Often, we repeat these phrases to ourselves in thought or even out loud.

Here are just a few:

  • My voice is awful, I hate it.
  • I am bad at XYZ.
  • This is just what I ALWAYS do.
  • Insert your favorite phrase here.

Here is the thing about those phrases, the more you repeat them, the more your brain internalizes them as true. As a result, you are actually rehearsing those phrases into existence.

Today, I'd like you to disrupt that narrative and imagine better for yourself. What does your best voice sound like? What would you do or say if you were more confident? Which habit would you break if you had a little more discipline? Whatever it is that is most important to you at the moment and imagine yourself already there. Keep imagining yourself there while you say it out loud, often. That is something worth rehearsing.

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