Notes from Gina>Variance

Variance: Embrace the Yawn

April 9, 2020
5 min read

We tend to apologize when we yawn, especially in front of others. But what if we welcomed it? What if, instead of seeing the yawn as a sign of boredom, we acknowledged how efficient it is? All of that oxygen entering quickly to feed hungry cells.

It is a perk of this time when in-person events are on hold, that we can allow the yawn. We can explore the actual pattern of our yawns, which may not be associated with boredom for you at all.

I, for one, am always grateful for a yawn. The release of muscle tension, the full opening of the throat, and the influx of air. I invite you to also embrace the Yawn. Extra points for making a sound on the exhale.

GROW Voice is hosting a couple of events this week. An office hour on Friday at 12 pm on Zoom. Please email me to register.

TONIGHT: Session 2 of our series of FB Live is this Thursday at 6 pm on the GROW Voice FB Page. These sessions will begin a process of checking in with physical alignment, breath, and coping with Sedentary — the WFH edition.

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