Notes from Gina>Variance

Variance: Hit The Floor

April 15, 2020
5 min read

Your chair is not your friend.

Sure, it has provided support in the past. It is a functional part of the spaces we embody. It is also, especially now, a trap of sorts.

So today, I'm going to work from the floor and I'd like you to join me. Find the right location, perhaps where you can support your back against a wall. Get your computer to a good height even if that means creating a tower of books (please make sure it's stable).

Use a mat, or firm cushion to support your sitz bones. Place your legs any way that works for you and accept that this will change. You will have to move more, you will have to make adjustments. It will be more dynamic. Work on the floor, move, stretch, breathe even if only for 30 minutes today. The floor is a great teacher.

Caveat: If your joints or other physical challenges make this exercise impossible, strive for the dynamic position that is attainable. Challenge your physicality to extend more grace to your movement and more life to your breathing. If you live with physical limitations, you probably already know where those spaces lie. It's a good lesson for all us.

GROW Voice is hosting a couple of events this week. An office hour on Friday at 12 pm on Zoom. Please email me to register.

TOMORROW: The last session of our 3-part series on FB Live is this Thursday at 7 pm on the GROW Voice FB Page. These sessions will begin a process of checking in with physical alignment, breath, and coping with Sedentary — the WFH edition.

floor work
move and breathe
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