Notes from Gina>Variance

Variance: Scheduled Maintenance

May 13, 2020
5 min read

It can be hard to remember with stay-at-home orders in place that the body is a system that requires maintenance.

I don't mean just regular exercise and/or eating well -- though those things certainly help. I mean the periodic check-ins for health and well-being. Doctor's appointments, massage, or chiropractic are among these, that for many of us are currently being neglected.

Perhaps, you have a more subtle check-in. The times during the year that you notice the health of your hair, nails, skin. When you start thinking about "beach bodies" (free tip: you already have one) and your physical appearance. The times of the year, we ponder new clothes or cute shoes. Those are moments in which we are reflecting on the body. Sure, they get lost in the commercial nature of our society but the impulse is good.

So, I am going to suggest that you schedule some maintenance - voice health style. Put aside some time to listen to your voice, cold - record yourself speaking. Then warm up a bit and repeat. What do you hear? How does it feel? Are your warm-ups actually helping you speak better? If not, experiment with what might help. Stretch gently into the edges of your voice - How does the low register feel, the middle, the top? If you have a set of trusted outside ears -- get them on board.

Is your body available? Is your breathing efficient? Are the muscles of your face pliable? Are you saying the things that need to be said?

Fair warning: Once you pay attention to one part of the system, other parts might demand your attention. That's okay. Scheduled maintenance is always better than repair after a breakdown.

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