You: Finding Length

How often do you think about posture? Trying to make your posture better, complaining about it, and/or working on it?
For many of us this is a common preoccupation. We know we look and feel better when we are in alignment but it often isn't clear what that means.
What posture is not, is a fixed position of any sort.
Instead, I would like you to consider length. What is the fullest, mobile extension of your legs? Can you elongate them in any way and maintain mobility? How about your arms, back, and neck?
Posture is about alignment, sure, but it is primarily about mobility and pliability in alignment. It is best found through movement and extension. This isn't to say there is never contraction or tension in posture, just that this isn't a fixed state.
Notice, that I haven't said that alignment is some configuration of the spine. The spine is at the center of it but our spines don't always look or function like the anatomy illustrations we see in doctor's offices. You will be better served by exploring movement in your own body and discovering how you align. If you do need a focus point your hips are a great starting point.
A small alignment exercise
Take a movement tour of your body. Small extensions, contractions, and rotations. Explore the range of motion and only then imagine that your skeleton has a tiny wire holding it up through the center of your skull. This imaginary wire is lightly affixed to the tip of your atlas (first cervical vertebrae) extending you slightly upward but allowing the full extension of your legs down and your arms out. It is you just with buoyancy. Don't lock this position, just become familiar with it so that over time it can feel like home.
Have a wonderful week everyone!