Notes from Gina

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2020
5 min read

Welcome back to the GROW Voice Blog!

In the spirit of Clarity and Intention, here is what you can expect from the blog in 2020.

  1. More tips and tricks for creating your best public voice.
  2. Because you asked, more anatomy and physiology in a new and improved Friday Focus.
  3. More posts about singing as some have felt neglected.
  4. More from you.

About #4, I am going to start answering your specific voice questions on the blog. Here's how:

Email me at with your question. Let me know if you wish to be identified and if so, how. Then, when I answer your question you will receive an email letting you know your question is on the blog. Easy peasy.

Looking forward to more voice-filled connections in 2020.

Happy New Year
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