Notes from Gina>Variance

Sing: Curiosity

October 2, 2020
5 min read

I sometimes consider what I think most helps people become better singers. There is, for some, significant resistance to the play and pursuit of freedom that makes for effective vocal exploration. I wonder if we might reframe it as curiosity.

Here are a few areas where I highly recommend the development of deep curiosity about your voice:

  • What does your voice do well and where does it experience challenges?
  • Do you have self-limiting beliefs about your voice?
  • How does your voice like to move?
  • How does your body support, or resist, your voice use?
  • What are the parameters in your voice? How high or low does it go easily? What types of sounds can it make?
  • Why do you do certain vocal exercises and what are they helping you learn?

Developing a curiosity about these things, or any of your vocal practices, allows you to better understand and embody your voice use. This will always lead to a more productive process and better outcomes.

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