
You/Sing: Make Some Noise

June 4, 2021
5 min read

It is a short week and a compressed writing schedule here on the blog so I decided to combine two feature days.

Whether you are training your singing voice or truly believe you can't sing -- you really should sing for liberation.

What do I mean by that? I mean singing for the joy of it. Singing for yourself. Singing with abandon and something of the wildness inherent in all of us.

In the gesture of singing as a birthright, without a need for it to be "good" or even observed by someone else, we liberate ourselves. We free our breathing and we tap into the good endorphins of the brain.

Here's how you do it. Pick a song you love. Sing it -- loudly. Do not listen for how you sound. Or care about comments/opinions from anyone who might hear it. Instead, listen to your body, listen to your inner self so that you can cut through the outside noise.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

you can sing
you should sing
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