
State of the (New)Year

January 10, 2022
5 min read

I recently took a reading tour of the blog entries from the height of the pandemic. In that liminal space, two things came forward as priorities; respecting the body and maintaining a connection to other humans. Many of us became quite good at both, then we stopped.

The return to some sense of normal caused many to abandon what we learned in quarantine. Now another COVID surge has people determined to act as if it isn't happening. This is human nature. We tire of the struggle. So the numbers spike, many of us are getting sick, and yet, we are determined to plod on. This time with no mention of the body or maintaining connections. We've forgotten those crucial things in our desire to will the pandemic away.

So we come to my ask for today -- take some time this week to check in with yourself. Are you connecting with and respecting the needs of your body? Are you meeting the communication needs of your environment? And importantly, are those two in alignment?

Let me know how it goes.

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