
Sing: Directing the Soundwave

January 15, 2021
5 min read

When discussing how to send the voice into a space, we sometimes get stuck between magical thinking and nothing at all.

It may help some of you to imagine a beam of light traveling away from you but I was never that singer. I did however need more than <crickets>.

Here's what the brain needs to help direct the sound wave. An efficient flow of sound and an intention. You have to decide how far that wave must travel with minimal decay. You must intend to reach each seat with the same craft. Then you must stay physically engaged in the work of buoyancy. That is, keeping the sound wave active through the engagement of breath and the shaping of sounds.

This is complex but not complicated. It also isn't magic. It is your marvelous brain managing a medium (air) that is invisible but not intangible.

directing the voice
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