Notes from Gina>Variance

Sing: Register This

October 30, 2020
5 min read

I’m noticing a trend which I am attributing, in part, to how crazy the world has become. That is the tendency in even well-trained singers to detach from the physical sensation of singing.

This is most noticeable as the voice moves from one register to another. Sometimes in our pursuit of the path of least resistance we give up the choices that make sound interesting. We use air pressure to press through the hard spots rather than consider if that is our only choice. Or, bend to the mechanism that is easiest for us without consideration for the needs of the piece.

In a way, it is the natural progression of things. You practice things in the hope they become more automatic and delight when it all becomes easier. Still, there are artistic choices to be made and certainly more skill to be attained.

My invitation this week is this. Consider where the choices are as you work with your instrument. And, when you encounter them, approach those choices with curiosity.

artistic choices
vocal mechanism
voice mechanics
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