Notes from Gina>Variance

Sing: With Feeling

November 20, 2020
5 min read

This week there was a good amount of over-singing in the studio -- Just a lot of "efforting." In all cases, we traced it back to listening for a particular sound. Also in all cases, the singer had stopped paying attention to sensory data that the body was so kindly providing.

There are many reasons this can happen, even to experienced singers, but I think there is another culprit at work. I think that singing in smaller rooms, over video (even with excellent low-latency sound) is starting to fray even good technique.

The invitation today is to find another space. Borrow a church or other empty space (safely please, there is a pandemic on), sing out into a forest or a mountain valley, fill a different container. And while you do this, feel it. Feel for your voice and how it moves through you. Remember that sensation is more valuable than what you think you hear as you are singing.

ps: You can always use recordings to fill your need to know how it sounds later.

listening to your voice
releasing tension
sing with feeling
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